Supplementary Prayer Items

  1. Pray for Yourself, Family, and Unsaved Relatives and Friends. Pray that you will thirst for God’s heart and remain connected to Him daily; that you will maintain your relationship with God and that He will be your top priority because you love Him with your entire being - spirit, soul, and body. Pray for the renewal of mind, that you will understand and fulfill God’s plan and purpose for your life: preach the Gospel boldly, and live out a testimony for God. (Eph. 2:20, Rom. 12:2, Rev. 1:1) Pray for your family’s concerns in accordance with God's will and that the Lord will be manifested in your daily lives. Pray for the salvation of your unsaved relatives and friends. Pray that God will protect your testimony and that you will have the boldness to witness to them, as well as to other people in your school, workplace, and/or neighborhood. Pray that God will prepare their hearts, reveal Himself to them, and that they will positively respond as they are presented with the Gospel.

  2. Pray for Pastor Jose and His Family. Pray that wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, and might shall continually be upon Pastor Jose. Pray that God will continue to shower him with revelation knowledge and the anointing to boldly teach and preach. Pray that God will further expand his vision, gift of leadership, and ministries. Pray that God will further his influence and surround him with committed associates, intercessors, and partners in the ministry. Pray for his protection - that no weapon formed against him and his family shall prosper. Pray that Pastor Jose and his family shall abundantly prosper physically, spiritually, and financially. Pray for Sis. Anne as she continues to support Pastor Jose in life and ministry. Pray for anointing as she likewise serves God in various capacities. Pray that their children will continue to grow in the fear and knowledge of the Lord; that they continue to excel in their studies; and that God’s blessings and protection will always be upon them. (Isa. 61:1-6, 54:17, 2Tim. 1:13-14, Eph. 6:19-20, 1Jn. 2:16).

  3. Pray for LCHM Leadership. Pray that they will continually be filled with wisdom, ability, understanding, and knowledge that they may serve faithfully in capacities which they are called. Pray that our leaders will serve responsibly, knowing that they will be judged to a higher standard. Pray for unity and strength; that they will continually serve God with one vision and purpose. Pray that they will always be good examples of Christian living, both in the church and in their respective social circles, and always be testimonies of God’s faithfulness, goodness, and grace. Pray that God’s protection will always be upon them and their families; that they will have stronger marriages, a happy home, and obedient kids. (Exo.31:3-4, Eph.4:12-15, Phil.2:1, 1Pet.5:2-3)

  4. Pray for LHCM Membership. Pray for growth, both in spiritual maturity and in quantity of members. Pray that God, who began a good work in us, will continue to do so until the day of Jesus Christ. Pray that LHCM members will commit to walk in God’s Word and that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide them, keeping them from the snares of the evil one. Pray that they will commit to support the ministries of the church and that they will be a blessing to the community.

  5. Pray for LHCM Families and Strong Marriages. Pray that every family will be filled with the knowledge of God’s will through all wisdom and understanding, that everyone may walk worthy and pleasing to the Lord: bearing fruit in every good work, increasing in the knowledge of God, and being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might. Pray that every family will seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness knowing that those things shall be added unto them (Mat.6:31-34). Pray for harmonious relationships between spouses, between parents and children, and between brothers and sisters. Pray that husbands and wives will serve and honor God in one accord, and exalt Him above all things. Pray against the legalization of same sex marriage, against abortion, and against every law that is immoral to and/or against God. (Gen. 2:24, Jos. 24:14, Psa. 139:13-16). Also, lift up anyone we know that is in need of healing.

  6. Pray for LHCM Youth and Children. Pray that the Lord will guard their body, soul, and spirit; and that they will seek after God’s heart and holiness. Pray against the proliferation of unwholesome content in the mass media and the Internet, and against the establishment of unhealthy places (e.g. those associated with gambling, prostitution, crimes, etc) in our cities/state. Pray that our youth/children will be protected and kept away from such things. Pray that our young people will be protected from the schemes of the evil one who will try to steal, kill, and destroy, (John 10:10)

  7. Pray for unity and harmony within the church. Pray that members will always live in harmony and unity, that they will be compassionate towards one another, and be of the same mind and purpose. Pray that we will always stay away from gossip and slander; and that we should rather speak blessings to one another and lift each other up in prayer. (1Jn.5:14-15, Eph.4:2-3, 1Pet.3:8-9, John 17:22-23, Mat. 6:10)

  8. Pray for the finances of LHCM and its members. Pray that God’s goodness and blessings be upon all members of LHCM. Pray that God will continue to bless the works of our hands, such that whatever we sow generously, we will also reap. Pray that God will bless us and meet all of our needs and that there will always be a job and other sources of income to those who are seeking one. Pray that as members, we will give our tithes and offerings faithfully; we will be protected from the devourer of blessing and that God will bless us with so much that we won't have enough room for it (Mal.3:10-11). Pray that LHCM members will continue to be generous in supporting God’s ministry. Pray that as we give, we will also receive a good measure, press down, shaken together, and running over will be poured into our bosom. For with the measure we deal out, it will be measured back to us (Luke 6:38).

  9. Pray for those in need of Healing. Pray that healing and wholeness will be upon those among us who are unwell in their bodies and that sickness and infirmity will have no place in their lives. Pray for miraculous healing during our services, claiming that God is able to send His Word to heal people and deliver them from their destruction (Ps. 107:20)

  10. Pray for our Building Project and the Proposed Headquarters in the Philippines. Pray for God’s provision, favor, and guidance as we pursue a bigger property that will house our church and headquarters for years to come. Pray that through the generosity of LHCM members, we will be able to pay our current mortgage at the soonest possible time. Also pray for the proposed mission headquarters in the Philippines, equipped with facilities to conduct training and house participants, to facilitate goods distribution, as well as to host other ministry functions.

  11. Pray for the ministries of LHCM through its Departments and Committees. Pray for the CTY (Childrens, Teens, and Youth) Ministry, Music Ministry, Building & Maintenance, UGS (Ushers, Greeters, and Security) Ministry, Finance Department, Creative Arts Committee, Mission Logistics Facilitation, Prayer Ministry, and the Tentmakers’ Ministry. Pray for Pastor Jose as well as the leader that serves with him through each of these ministries. Pray that each ministry will be able to meet its goals and continue to contribute to the greater work of LHCM. Pray for divine guidance and creativity as each ministry plans and implements its programs and projects to further our mission work in the Philippines as well as minister to pastors’ families (e.g. Lunch for Missions, Harvest, Coins-for-Missions, etc.). Pray that members of LHCM will find their place of service in these various departments, committees, projects and activities, such that the right people will be doing the right things through the right ministries. Pray that God’s blessings and favor will always be upon those who serve Him.

  12. Pray for the spiritual renewal, revival, and awakening in our church. Pray for the unsaved souls in our midst. Pray that we will all enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our soul is getting along well (3Jn. 2). Pray that everyone will be ministered upon and grow in faith as we receive enlightenment and revelation knowledge through preaching and study of God’s word. Pray that we will continuously seek and serve God with gladness and excitement; that we will be found faithful with little things and be blessed with more. Pray that as a church, we will do great things through and for God as we likewise fulfill our individual call. Pray that we will be bold witnesses and active participants in fulfilling the Great Commission - always sharing our faith to people around us, teaching others God’s Word and bringing salvation to those who are lost.

  13. Pray for the Universal Church. Pray that God’s people will seek Him daily, His Kingdom and His Righteousness above all else. Pray that everyone who professes to be God’s people not only be a hearer but a doer of the Word; then, God can restore among us holiness, good health, abundance, good relationship, and His Presence and power that enables us to overcome. May God’s favor always be with those who obey Him, just as Jesus said, “Whoever serves me must follow me and where I am; my servant also will be. My father will honor the one who serves me” (Jn. 12:26).

  14. Pray for pastors and missionaries whom you know. Pray that God will give them the ability to continually appropriate God’s provision, protection, and guidance as they minister in God’s power and grace. Pray that the fullness of the Holy Spirit will be manifested in their lives and ministry. Pray for their families, especially for the children left behind by missionary parent(s), and the pastor's kids being looked upon with stricter standards and higher expectations. Pray that they will receive the hundred-fold return blessing as God as promised. For those who are married, pray that their marriage will remain strong in the midst of trials that they may encounter. Specifically pray for any pastor or missionary whom you know.

  15. Pray for Christian churches especially in the Greater Chicago Area. Pray for Word-centeredness. Pray that the unadulterated and life changed Word of God be continually preached in every local church (2Tim., Phil2:2, Eph 1:17-22). Pray that both ministers and congregants will steadily stand firm in God’s Holy Word. Pray that Christian churches will be able to stand up against false religion, resist worldly influences and false teachings, and preach the whole counsel of God without compromise. Pray that there will be unity in the Lord as well as opportunities to work together. Pray that local churches will appropriate God’s power to win souls, and that signs and wonders will be their testimony. Pray that they will take part in fulfilling the Great Commission, that they will go and make disciples of all nations… and teach them to obey everything Jesus has commanded (Mat. 28:19-20). Pray for a specific local church (e.g. Moody, Willow Creek, other Filipino Churches, etc.)

  16. Pray for Pastors and Evangelists - the ministers of the gospel. Pray that God will bless them to shepard their flocks with God’s visions, wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, and the spirit of fear of the Lord (Isa. 11:2). Pray that God’s anointing will enable them to love people, watch and pray for them, fervently spread the Gospel, be the light and salt of the earth, and be the spark that will ignite church revival (Matt. 5:13-16, Eph. 6:18, Acts 1:8). Pray for more laborers in the vineyard (Cf. Acts 20:28-31).

  17. Pray for God’s People. Pray that God’s people will sense the glory of God, just as Jesus had given them the glory that is from the Father (Jn. 17:22). Pray that the manifestation of the presence of God among churches will lift up the people spiritually. Pray that God will place wisdom in the hearts of His people, that they will know His ways in the midst of financial and political storms. As God’s people, may we be aware of the time and hours so we can be prepared and be found faithful in doing what God had entrusted us. Pray that we will be free from the enticements of this world, not putting our hope in wealth, which is temporal and uncertain; that in the midst of everything, we will simply fear God, love God, depend and serve Him (Mat. 6:24, 24:32-51).

  18. Pray for the global harvest of souls. Pray that all nations and people will fear God and return to Him, and that the world will know His ways and His salvation. Pray for unbelievers’ hearts to be fertile grounds; that they will repent as they hear the message of salvation and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

  19. Pray for Evangelism in restricted countries. Pray for divine protection, provision, and strength for Christians, Christian organizations, and missionaries operating in restricted countries where the preaching of the Gospel is not allowed, obtaining Bibles or other Christian literatures are prevented, and where in government-sanctioned circumstances or anti-Christian laws support Christians to be harassed, imprisoned, killed, or deprived of possession or liberties because of their witness. Pray that Christians in these places will not only have the ability to obtain Bibles and Christian literatures, but also have access to Christian resources available in other media, like the radio or the internet. Pray for the advancement of all evangelistic activities as well as charitable undertakings, especially those that are spearheaded by Christian organizations. Here in the US, pray for Christians to stand firm on their faith in the midst of various anti-Christian developments in our society, our laws, and in politics. Pray for provision and protection of missionaries in these countries. Pray that they will continue to appropriate God’s provision, protection, and guidance as they minister to these parts of the world. Pray that they will minster in God’s power and grace, both to believers and the lost. Pray for our church, just as we ourselves are missionaries in a country that is becoming more restrictive to Christianity.

  20. Pray for more workers in the mission field. Pray that the people of God will respond to their call as God raises them up to be his laborers, and that God will raise a breed of missionaries who are obedient, bold, and relentless in spreading the Gospel wherever God tells them to go. Pray that God will raise funding ministries like that of Peter Daniels, who will aim to finance global evangelism. Pray for a million teachers/missionaries to regain the American society back to God.

  21. Pray for LHCM Evangelistic Outreach activities. Pray for each department’s plan for outreach activities. Pray that we, ourselves, will be co-laborers in the mission field, not just by extending support to missions, but by being Christ’s witnesses in our respective areas of influence.

  22. Pray for Muslims and the Middle East. Pray for the gospel message resulting in salvation. Pray against the spirit of fear, rebellion, hatred, and violence that influence many Muslims. Pray that they will also have a full revelation of the true God and His loving character (Heb.8:8,9); that they will understand that God desires for everyone to know Him; and that they could also experience God’s forgiveness, love, and acceptance. May Ishmael’s descendants also receive salvation which can only be revived through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Gen. 17,Jn.14:6). Pray that the Word of God will reach the Arab countries through various evangelistic avenues such as mission outreach, Christian radio and TV broadcasts, and the internet. Pray for strength and protection of Christian communities in the Arab region. Pray for Christians in Egypt who reportedly suffer even more persecution with the new government.

  23. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Israel, and the Jewish People; and the conflict between Israel and Iran. Pray that God will protect Israel, the apple of His eyes, and deliver her from the schemes and attacks of all her enemies. Pray that Israel will not be divided or conquered and that its people will wait for the coming of the Lord. Pray that God will continue to cause the hearts of the Jews to turn back to Him. Pray for Israel’s economy, its leaders and its military. Pray that God will pour out His Holy Spirit upon the Jewish people and heal them from bitterness, hatred, and rejection. Pray for the removal of the spiritual veil that hinders them to recognize Jesus as their awaited Messiah.

  24. Pray for global evangelism - for specific evangelists and ministries involved in world evangelism and discipleship. Statistics show that 41% (2.88 billion) of the world population is still “unreached” by the gospel ( Pray that God will continue to bless and expand the reach of global evangelism ministries by raising people and new ministries who are committed to reaching those who are lost. Pray that hearts will be changed as various evangelism efforts through missions, mass media, evangelistic crusades, campus ministries, church outreach initiatives, and other ministries touch the lives of unbelievers around the world. Pray evangelists, televangelists, and ministries whom you know are involved in global evangelism and discipleship. Pray that the earth will finally be filled with the knowledge and glory of the Lord as the water covers the sea (Hab.2:14).

  25. Pray for the fulfillment of the Great Commision and the on-going witness of local churches all over the world. Pray for missionaries, evangelists, and other ministers of the gospel as they actively fulfill the Great Commision. Pray that God will bless them to shepard their flocks with God’s vision, wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, and the spirit of fear of the Lord (Isa. 11:2). Pray that God’s anointing will enable them to love people, watch and pray for them, fervently spread the Gospel, be the light and salt of the earth, and be the spark that will ignite church revival (Matt5:13, Eph.6:18, Acts 1:8). Pray that all nations and people will fear God and return to Him, and that the world will know His ways and His salvation. Pray that God will raise more Christians who will provide tangible assistance to poor countries and testify the love of Christ. Pray for unbelievers’ hearts to be fertile grounds; that they will repent as they hear the message of salvation and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Also pray that we ourselves will have active roles in fulfilling the Great Commision by reaching out to people around us and to minister wherever God tells us to go.

  26. Pray for Evangelistic Efforts in Europe. Pray that the younger generation will revert to their Judeo-Christian heritage and will abandon New Age thinking, relative truth, reincarnation, and the occult. Pray that theological institutions will return to biblical theology and will no longer adhere to liberalism in order for the confidence in the Scripture to be restored. Pray for unity between non-Pentecostal and Pentecostal Evangelicals so that they will be effective witnesses to non-believers. Pray that the Evangelicals will be able to overcome the inferiority complex which was a result of not having access to education and professional opportunities under the Communist Regime. Pray that they will know, recognize, and establish their identity in Christ so that they will not continue to view themselves as victims of the past regime. Pray that they will believe that in Christ, they could have a vital role in restoring moral, ethical, and spiritual standards in a society that has lost its way.

  27. Pray for Evangelistic Efforts in Africa. Pray for more effective “discipling” of new believers - many were evangelized; however, many still compromise to non-Christian customs and worldviews. Pray for the Association of Evangelicals of Africa to be able to link national evangelical denominations in fellowship, stimulate vision, and promote leadership training, culturally relevant biblical theology, and social action. Pray for Churches to see missions as fundamental to the gospel itself, and the task of every believer - not just as a “white” Christian. Pray for effective cross-cultural training for missions - only few Bible schools are doing this.

  28. Pray for Evangelistic Efforts in Asia. Pray for the growth of churches, and for the Christian community to be old in witnessing to others of different faiths. Pray for the development of fellowship links among indigenous Christian workers in order for spiritual unity and warm fellowship to evolve, especially in times of persecutions and threats. Pray for their perseverance and fruitfulness to increase. Pray for the many unreached people in Asia - the least evangelized people on earth are predominantly Asian. Pray for all the believers who have come to Christ out of Islam. They need fellowship, study the Word and become established, and courage in the face of intimidation, threats, ostracism, and even physical danger.

  29. Pray for Evangelistic Efforts in the Pacific. The decline in Christianity has resulted in the rapid rise in secularism, family breakdown, and indifference to spiritual things. Furthermore, nominalism has increased due to inadequate teaching on true repentance, personal faith and the need for a daily walk with the Lord. Pray that Churches will have new vision and an understanding of cultural changes to be able to communicate a relevant biblical message and become a more effective “discipling” community. Pray for the Deep Sea Canoe Mission, which was founded in 1989 to stimulate vision, identify and train missionaries and channel them overseas. Pray that more organizations like this will be established and flourish to revive the mission commitments in the Islands. 

  30. Pray for Evangelistic Efforts in Latin America. Pray for the moral devastation caused by drug trafficking. Millions of lives were destroyed because the Central Government cannot control the use of drugs. Pray for those who are in authority, that they will be able to pursue viable and effective policies to alleviate or even eliminate this evil. Pray for adequate training for present and future pastors and workers. Pray for maturity in the churches so that they will be effective to disciple disciple-makers. Pray for unity and the privileges and responsibilities of supporting cross-cultural outreach within their own lands and abroad.

  31. Pray for Repentance, Spiritual Revival, and Peace on Every Nation. Repent on behalf of the nations and ask for forgiveness for the sins that the world has committed. Repent for the unbelief of the nation and for how it is turning away from God. Ask God for the forgiveness of the blasphemous sins of the people, such as homosexuality, abortion, violence, idol worship, unrighteousness, impurity, and irreverence to God. Pray for spiritual renewal, for God’s forgiveness and healing. Pray against the spirit of lawlessness through people disrupting the peace and quiet and promoting disregard to those in authority.

  32. Pray for Revival and Spiritual Awakening in Every Church. Pray for a new generation of believers who will humble themselves, and pray and seek God’s face and repent from their wicked ways, so that God will hear from heaven and will forgive our sins and will heal our land (2Chro.7:14, Num.14:18, Ps.33:12, 89:15, 1Tim.1:1-2). Pray for a revitalized church that is active in fulfilling the Great Commision.

  33. Pray for the Spiritual Condition of Our Country, City, and Community. Pray that the people may turn from darkness to light; that they will receive forgiveness and release from their sins; and that they will find a place and portion among those who are consecrated and purified by faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for deliverance and salvation for those who are captive into following the ways of the world. Pray that our city, community, and nation will be protected from terrorism; will rise up from economic recession, and that God’s peace and glory will fill our land. Pray that the Church will continue to be the pillar of morality in our society. Pray for a socio-political atmosphere that is not offensive, oppressive, discriminatory, nor prohibitive to churches, Christians, as well as their beliefs and practices. Pray that God will raise watchmen - intercessors that will pray with spiritual authority and turn nations, cities, and communities to God. (2Chro.7:13-14, Heb.2:1, Matt.16:18-19).

  34. Pray for the President of the U.S. and his cabinet. Pray for the President as he leads our country during this time of economic turmoil and international conflict. Pray that God will inspire, direct, and protect him and those who serve with him. Pray for God’s blessings and protection to be upon him and his family; and that God surrounds him with a godly cabinet and advisors who will provide him wise and godly counsel. While recognizing that God is sovereign and is above all, “Let us pray for rulers and for all who have authority so that we can have quiet and peaceful lives full of worship and respect for God” (1Tim. 2:2).

  35. Pray for the Legislative and the Judiciary Branches of Our Government. For the Legislative Branch, pray that the members of Congress and their staff will seek the will of God in making decisions. Pray that born-again and spirit-filled legislators will stand firm in their convictions and that the will of God will be reflected in their actions and decisions. Pray for laws that are in line with Christian doctrines - never against Chrisian values. For the Judiciary Branch, pray for God-fearing judges who will judge in righteousness and truth (Psa.96:13); judges who will not legislate from the bench, but will promote justice and fairness, and will exercise wisdom in their rulings. For the U.S. Supreme Court, pray that Christian influences will be evident in the High Court’s ruling. Pray that godly Justices will stand firm in upholding Christian values and will be vigilant in striking down laws that are oppressive of the Christian faith. 

  36. Pray for City and State Officials. Pray for their spiritual eyes to be opened in order for the truth of Jesus Christ to be revealed in their hearts. Pray that they will seek godly advice, and not to be wise in their own eyes. Pray that they will be humble to accept corrections, and make good and right decisions. Pray that they will live in integrity, uphold moral standards, and be gentle and kind to the citizens they serve. Pray for their strength and courage to stand for what is right, even if they had to stand alone.

  37. Pray for Revival in Every Church, School, Office, and Other Institutions. Pray that God’s Word will Bring about Healing, Repentance, and Peace on Every Nation. Repent on behalf of the nations and ask for forgiveness for the sins that the world has committed. Repent for the unbelief of the nation and for how it is turning away from God. Ask God for the forgiveness of the blasphemous sins of the people such as homosexuality, abortion, violence, idol worship, unrighteousness, impurity, and irreverence to God. Pray for spiritual renewal, for God’s forgiveness and healing. Pray against the schemes of those who want to sow terror so that there will be peace and a sense of safety in the land. Pray against the spirit of lawlessness through people disrupting the peace and quiet and promoting disregard to those in authority. Pray for a spiritual awakening, for a new generation of believers who will humble themselves, and pray and seek God’s face and repent from their wicked ways, so that God will hear from heaven and will forgive our sins and will heal our land (2Chro.7:14, Num.14:18, Ps.33:12, 89:15, 1Tim. 1:1-2).

  38. Pray for Christian Messages and Influence in the Media. Thank God for the people whom He called and equipped to propagate Christian Influence through the media. Pray that God’s favor will always be upon them, that they will be strong and able to stand firm in their faith as they pursue the fulfillment of their God-given call. Pray that God will effectively use them to strengthen believers and reach out to those that are lost. Pray against the scheme of the enemy in using the media to sow fear, doubts, and unbelief, and to promote ungodly lifestyle. Pray that Christians will not fall victim to this scheme, and that they will be wise, vigilant, and sensitive to not participate. Pray that God will further fill the media industry with God-fearing men and women who will declare the truth and live out the truth. Pray that the airwaves will be filled with information that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, has virtue, and praiseworthy.

  39. Pray for Christian Influence in Arts, Sports, Entertainment, etc. Pray that God will protect the testimonies of men and women in these industries who have publicly professed their faith. Pray that they will excel in their respective line of work, without compromising their belief and integrity. Pray that God will expand their areas of influence; that they will have opportunities to give glory to God and share their faith to people around them. Pray for Christian sportsmen, artists, actors, etc. whom you know. Pray for boldness and courage to profess their faith, especially to their peers in their respective fields of profession. Pray that they will be found faithful especially under the scrutiny of the world. Pray that they will have a positive impact on the young generations who view them as role models. Pray that they will model out the life, goodness, and love of God. Also pray that God will continue to raise a generation of strong and faithful believers in these industries.

  40. Pray for Marketplace Anointing. Pray for God’s people to live out their faith in wherever God placed them - work, school, neighborhood, etc. Pray that they will be effective in leading people to Christ in their respective areas of influence. Pray that God will continually open doors of opportunity for them, and bless the work of their hands so that they will reap a great harvest. Pray that they will always stand firm on their faith, walk in integrity, and never compromise. (Hosea 10:12, Amos 9:13, Rev. 7:9-15)

  41. Pray for God’s Sovereignty in the Midst of World Events. Continue praying for world events concerning Israel and the Middle East. Claim God’s sovereignty over all things. As we pray for the economic situation that our nation and the rest of the world is in, claim that God is the source of His people’s provision and that His riches are far greater beyond all the riches in this world. As we pray for our President, as well as for other world leaders, claim that our God who is in us is the Ruler over all. As we pray for the morality of our society, pray with hope and confidence, knowing that all these things are just fulfillment of God’s Word. 

  42. Pray for Missions Fundraisers, Mission Partners, and Other Supply Sources. Pray for more mission opportunities. Pray for our missions’ work in the Philippines. Pray for God’s provision in all our on-going and proposed undertakings. Pray for provision through the generosity of the congregation as well as other partners and donors. Pray for continuous support for our Missions Fundraising activities and that God’s goodness and blessings will enable us more to generally give and encourage others to give. Thank God for his faithfulness in the past years, for giving us the privilege to partner in World Evangelism through our financial support. Pray for more churches to be planted on our behalf through surge ministry in the years to come. Pray for more partners and donors for our medicine, clothing, notebook, toothbrush, toothpaste, and educational materials. Pray for the establishment of a proposed ministry headquarters in the Philippines.

  43. Pray for our mission and vision. Pray for Pastor Jose and his leaders who head the LHCM departments; CTY, Music, Building and Maintenance, UGS, Finance, Special Events Committee, Mission Logistic Facilitation, Prayer, Men and Women’s Fellowship, etc. Pray that each Ministry will be able to meet its goals and continue to contribute to the fulfillment of the mission and vision of LHCM. Pray for divine guidance and creativity as each ministry plans and implements its programs and projects in support of the mission, vision, core values, and activities of LHCM. Pray that the members of LHCM will find their place of service in these various departments and committees such that the right people will be doing the right things through the right ministries. Pray that God’s blessings and favor be always upon those who serve Him.

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