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Paul: His Life and His Teachings <br> Christian Response to the Creator


No.36 Paul: His Life and Teachings - Christian Response to the Creator (Part 1)

No.37 Paul: His Life and Teachings - Christian Response to the Creator (Part 2)


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No.36 Paul: Christian Response to the Creator (Part 1) Dr. Jose Nacionales

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No.37 Paul: Christian Response to the Creator (Part 2) Dr. Jose Nacionales


Having discussed partially what the Creator wants and how He goes about doing it, including the use of human instruments, the Body of Christ needs to know its role in this endeavor of restoring all things. In 1 Timothy 6:13, for instance, Paul charged believers to keep God’s Word without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. The whole context of this keeping God’s commandment is in fighting the good fight of faith. It starts in verse 11 with a charge to flee from evil and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness. This is where living right, or watching how we conduct ourselves comes big into the picture. Nobody can just do or live anyway they want and call this Christian liberty. A very concerning thing today is that whenever one teaches on right living or living for God, it is immediately met with an accusation of being condemning. Those who throw accusations always prefer eternal life without demands, only benefits. This is why a lot of Christians are disqualifying themselves from further participation in the will of God.

Paul insists for Timothy to keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is so, because living for God means taking stands. This is standing for Christ. Too many talk has been made on standing for individual rights, be it of self or others. Yet, barely anybody talks about standing for Jesus Christ. Remember, we are supposed to be His mouthpieces. Herein lies a problem. When we are surrounded by the lure of all kinds of temptations, where to do we take our stand? If we don’t stand for Jesus, we might fall for lust, money, fame, etc. If we don’t stand for Jesus, we are falling for error. If we don’t stand for the Divine, we might fall for the devil. This is where we find some Christians to be AWOL (away without official leave). What happened to them? Some stayed in the barracks, some stay in the boot camps, some never advance to the front lines, some are cowards, and some to early retirement. Paul admonishes us to take on the new armor that Jesus gave us (vv.11,12). This is what fighting a good fight of faith is about.

We need to stop living like we are a civilian and that nothing changed since we received the Lord. We are soldiers of Jesus now. We need to get this in our spirit that a soldier does not have to get entangled with civilian affairs (2Tim.2:4). What is interesting is the Latin word for pagan, which is pagani. It was originally used to describe a civilian. A civilian is someone who did not enter the military for battle. Therefore, in Christian term, the civilians are those have not joined the cause of Jesus. These are the people who instead of fighting the devil, joins him. Christians actually deserts the devil’s cause. We are now pursuing righteousness. Fighting the good fight of faith is not a fight for what is logical, nor acceptable, nor palatable, this is a fight of faith. This is a fight that we endure whenever the Faith, or the Word of God is under assault by the enemy. There is a bad fight and there is a good fight. We are told to fight the good fight of faith. What is a bad fight? It includes fighting one another over non-essentials that divide Christians. What is the good fight of faith? It is simply trusting and keeping your trust in Jesus and His Word. He unites us, He is our commander, and He is our doctrine.

Further, we need to make a good confession in the presence of many witnesses. The best example is Jesus before Pilate. He made a good confession without repeating in formula type of speech. Jesus simply testified to Pilate the truth, that God is His Father and He is God’s Son. Also, we are not to take on the honor that only belongs to God. By all means, avoid flattery. We could do it by not assuming what you are not. Instead, we are to always point people to God, to Whom real credit belongs. This is a warning for those who are quick in getting credit for what they have not done. We are always to point people to the true object of worship. He alone is worthy. Praise be to God!